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Reflections from forum webinar

Martin Galligan 21 Apr 2023

This blog is a reflection on the forums first webinar and a summary of how the work of the forum has been supporting nursing practice.

On the 30th March 2023 the pain and palliative care forum held their first ever live webinar. This was a webinar of two halves that first focused on introducing the steering committee to the wider forum membership and an update on the work of the steering committee to date. The second half was then a focus on communication skills and have we have difficult conversations in our daily practice.

As a new chair of the forum I could not have been prouder of the commitment of the steering committee and the engagement with the wider forum membership. I was blown away to see that we have over 120 forum members join us on the day. I was so pleased to see such strong engagement with the work that the steering committee are doing and lots of offers of support from the forum membership. On the day we heard about the fantastic work of the following projects:

Mouth Care Matters: Suzanne Monks has been doing an exceptional job in promoting awareness and developing resources to support mouth care in palliative care settings. Suzanne has led the team to develop a range of resources and educational sessions to improve practice in maintaining good oral health. For more information regarding the resources please use this link:

UK Career Framework for Pain Nursing: I was able to update on the work regarding the development of the UK career framework for pain nursing. This involved updating the previous pain knowledge and skills framework and converting this into a career framework that highlights the different routes into specialist pain nursing roles. This is a fantastic resource that outlines the knowledge and skills required at each level of nursing practice regarding pain management. For more details please use this link:

Pain Assessment in Learning Disabilities: Sandra Campbell gave an update on the work that she is leading on to develop a new resource to support pain assessment in learning disability. This project is in its early stages and if you are interested in supporting this or getting more involved then please let me know.

Communication Skills update: Ola Isiahah led the remainder of the webinar with an excellent session on having difficult conversations in practice. This was followed by a panel discussion and wider questions from those in attendance.

This truly was a an excellent session with lots of shared learning from all that attended. If you couldn’t join us on the day you can watch the recording of the webinar by visiting our web-page.

Please watch this space for future webinars, if you have any topic requests or would like to get more involved with the forum please do contact me direct to discussion opportunities.

Martin Galligan

Pain and Palliative Care Forum Chair

Lecturer Practitioner, Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust

Lecturer practitioner in cancer care and advanced practice with a specialist interest in pain management. Experience as both a lead nurse and clinical nurse specialist in pain management.

Page last updated - 19/09/2023